Port number/layernameComment
1tcpmuxTCP port service multiplexing
5rjeRemote job entrance
7echoEcho service
9discardEmpty service for connection testing
11systatUsed to enumerate the system status of connected ports
13daytimeSend the date and time to the requesting host
17qotdSend a daily quote to the connected host
18mspmessage sending protocol
19chargenCharacter generation service; sends an endless stream of characters
20ftp-dataFTP data port
21ftpFile Transfer Protocol (FTP) port; sometimes used by File Services Protocol (FSP)
22sshSecure Shell (SSH) Service
23telnetTelnet service
25smtpSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
37timetime agreement
39rlpresource location protocol
42nameserverInternet Name Service
43nicnameWHOIS directory service
49tacacsTerminal access controller access control system for TCP/IP based authentication and access
50re-mail-ckRemote Mail Checking Protocol
53domainDomain name services (such as BIND)
63whois++WHOIS++, extended WHOIS service
67bootpsBootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) service; also used by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service
68bootpcBootstrap (BOOTP) client; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client
69tftpSmall File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
70gopherGopher Internet document search and retrieval
71netrjs-1Remote operation service
72netrjs-2Remote operation service
73netrjs-3Remote operation service
73netrjs-4Remote operation service
79fingerFinger service for user contact information
80httpHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for World Wide Web (WWW) services
88kerberosKerberos network authentication system
95supdupTelnet protocol extension
101hostnameHostname service on SRI-NIC machine
102iso-tsapISO Development Environment (ISODE) Network Application
105csnet-nsMailbox name server; also used by CSO name server
107rtelnetRemote Telnet
109pop2Post Office Protocol Version 2
110pop3Post Office Protocol Version 3
111sunrpcRemote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol for remote command execution, used by Network File System (NFS)
113authAuthentication and Identification Protocol
115sftpSecure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) service
117uucp-pathUnix to Unix Copy Protocol (UUCP) path service
119nntpNetwork News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) for the USENET Discussion System
123ntpNetwork Time Protocol (NTP)
137netbios-nsNETBIOS name service used by Samba in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
138netbios-dgmNETBIOS datagram service used by Samba in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
139netbios-ssnNET BIOS session service used by Samba in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
143imapInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
161snmpSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
162snmptrapSNMP pitfalls
163cmip-manCommon Management Information Protocol (CMIP)
164cmip-agentCommon Management Information Protocol (CMIP)
177xdmcpX Display Manager Control Protocol
178nextstepNeXTStep window server
179bgpborder network protocol
191prosperoProspero Services by Cliffod Neuman
194ircInternet Relay Chat (IRC)
199smuxSNMP UNIX multiplexing
201at-rtmpAppleTalk routing
202at-nbpAppleTalk name binding
204at-echoAppleTalk echo service
206at-zisAppleTalk block information
209qmtpQuick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP)
210z39.50NISO Z39.50 database
213ipxInternetwork Packet Exchange Protocol (IPX), a datagram protocol commonly used in Novell Netware environments
220imap3Internet Message Access Protocol version 3
347fatservFatmen server
363rsvp_tunnelRSVP tunnel
369rpc2portmapCoda file system port mapper
370codaauth2Coda File System Verification Service
372ulistprocUNIX Listserv
389ldapLightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
427svrlocService Location Agreement (SLP)
434mobileip-agentRemovable Internet Protocol (IP) proxy
435mobilip-mnRemovable Internet Protocol (IP) Manager
443httpsSecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
444snppSmall Network Paging Protocol
445microsoft-dsServer Message Block (SMB) over TCP/IP
464kpasswdKerberos password and key replacement service
468photurisPhoturis session key management protocol
487saftSimple Asymmetric File Transfer (SAFT) protocol
488gss-httpGeneric Security Service (GSS) for HTTP
496pim-rp-discRendezvous Point Discovery (RP-DISC) for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Services
500isakmpInternet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)
535iiopInternet Internal Object Request Proxy Protocol (IIOP)
538gdomapGNUstep Distributed Object Mapper (GDOMAP)
546dhcpv6-clientDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6 client
547dhcpv6-serverDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6 service
554rtspReal-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
563nntpsNetwork News Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (NNTPS)
587submissionMail Message Submission Agent (MSA)
610npmp-localNetwork Peripheral Management Protocol (NPMP) Local/Distributed Queuing System (DQS)
611npmp-guiNetwork Peripheral Management Protocol (NPMP) GUI/Distributed Queuing System (DQS)
612hmmp-indHMMP instructions/DQS
631ippInternet Printing Protocol (IPP)
636ldapsLightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPS) over Secure Sockets Layer
674acapApplication Configuration Access Protocol (ACAP)
694ha-clusterHeartbeat service for clusters with high availability
749kerberos-adm"kadmin" database management for Kerberos version 5 (v5)
750kerberos-ivKerberos version 4 (v4) service
765websteronline dictionary
767phonebookInternet phone book
873rsyncrsync file transfer service
992telnetsTelnet over Secure Sockets Layer (TelnetS)
993imapsInternet Message Access Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (IMAPS)
994ircsInternet Relay Chat over Secure Sockets Layer (IRCS)
995pop3sPost Office Protocol Version 3 (POPS3) over Secure Sockets Layer

Port number/layernameComment
512/tcpexecUsed to verify remotely executed processes
512/udpbiff[comsat]Asynchronous mail client (biff) and service (comsat)
513/tcploginRemote login (rlogin)
513/udpwho[whod]List of logged in users
514/tcpshell[cmd]Remote shell (rshell) and remote copy (rcp) without login
514/udpsyslogUNIX system log service
515printer[spooler]printer (lpr) spool
517/udptalkRemote conversation services and clients
518/udpntalkntalk, remote conversation services and clients
519utime[unixtime]UNIX Time Protocol (utime)
520/tcpefsExtended Filename Server (EFS)
520/udprouter[route,routed]Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
521ripngRouting information protocol for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
525timed[timeserver]Time daemon (timed)
530/tcpcourier[rpc]Courier remote procedure call (RPC) protocol
531/tcpconference[chat]internet relay chat
533/udpnetwallNetwall for emergency broadcasts
540/tcpuucp[uucpd]Unix to Unix replication service
543/tcpkloginKerberos version 5 (v5) remote login
544/tcpkshellKerberos version 5 (v5) remote shell
548afpovertcpAppletalk File Preparation Protocol (AFP) over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
556remotefs[rfs_server,rfs]Brunhoff's Remote File System (RFS)

Port number/layernameComment
1080socksSOCKS web application proxy service
1236bvcontrol[rmtcfg]Garcilis Packeten remote configuration server
1300h323hostcallscH.323 conference call host phone security
1433ms-sql-sMicrosoft SQL Server
1434ms-sql-mMicrosoft SQL Monitor
1494icaCitrix ICA customers
1512winsMicrosoft Windows Internet Name Server
1524ingreslockIngres Database Management System (DBMS) Locking Service
1525prospero-npUnprivileged Prospero
1645datametrics[old-radius]Datametrics/former radius project
1646sa-msg-port[oldradacct]sa-msg-port/former radacct project
1649kermitKermit file transfer and management service
1701l2tp[l2f]Layer 2 Tunneling Service (LT2P)/Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F)
1718h323gatediscH.323 Telecommunications Gatekeeper Discovery Mechanism
1719h323gatestatH.323 telecommunications gatekeeper status
1720h323hostcallH.323 Telecom host phone settings
1758tftp-mcastSmall file FTP multicast
1759mtftpMulticast Small File FTP (MTFTP)
1789helloHello router communication port
1812radiusRadius dial-up authentication and accounting service
1813radius-acctRadius Accounting
1911mtpStarlight Network Multimedia Transfer Protocol (MTP)
1985hsrpCisco Hot Standby Router Protocol
1986licensedaemonCisco License Management Daemon
1997gdp-portCisco Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP)
2049nfs[nfsd]Network File System (NFS)
2102zephyr-srvZephyr notification transport and outgoing server
2103zephyr-cltZephyr serv-hm connection
2104zephyr-hmZephyr Host Manager
2401cvspserverConcurrent Version System (CVS) client/server operation
2430/tcpvenusVenus cache manager for Coda file system (codacon port)
2430/udpvenusVenus cache manager for the Coda file system (callback/wbc interface)
2431/tcpvenus-seVenus Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Side Effects
2431/udpvenus-seSide effects of Venus User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
2432/udpcodasrvCoda file system server port
2433/tcpcodasrv-seCoda File System TCP Side Effects
2433/udpcodasrv-seCoda file system UDP SFTP side effects
2600hpstgmgr[zebrasrv]HPSTGMGR; Zebra routing
2601discp-client[zebra]discp client; Zebra integrated shell
2602discp-server[ripd]discp server; routing information protocol daemon (ripd)
2603servicemeter[ripngd]Service metering; RIP daemon for IPv6
2604nsc-ccs[ospfd]NSC CCS; Open Short Path First Daemon (ospfd)
2605nsc-posaNSC POSA; Border Network Protocol Daemon (bgpd)
2606netmon[ospf6d]Dell Netmon; OSPF daemon for IPv6 (ospf6d)
2809corbalocCommon Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) naming service locator
3130icpv2Internet Cache Protocol version 2 (v2); used by the Squid proxy cache server
3306mysqlMySQL database service
4011pxePre-execution environment (PXE) service
4321rwhoisRemote Whois (rwhois) service
4444krb524Kerberos version 5 (v5) to version 4 (v4) ticket converter
5002rfeRadio Frequency Ethernet (RFE) Audio Broadcast System
5308cfengineConfiguration engine (Cfengine)
5999cvsup[CVSup]CVSup file transfer and update tool
6000x11[X]X Window System Services
7000afs3-fileserverAndrew File System (AFS) file server
7001afs3-callbackAFS port for callbacks to the cache manager
7002afs3-prserverAFS user and group database
7003afs3-vlserverAFS file volume location database
7004afs3-kaserverAFS Kerberos Authentication Service
7005afs3-volserAFS file volume management server
7006afs3-errorsAFS Error Interpretation Service
7007afs3-bosAFS Basic Monitoring Process
7008afs3-updateAFS server to server updater
7009afs3-rmtsysAFS Remote Cache Manager Service
9876sdsession director
10080amandaAdvanced Maryland Automated Network Disk Archiver (Amanda) Backup Service
11371pgpkeyserverGood Privacy (PGP)/GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) public key server
11720h323callsigaltH.323 call signal alternation
13720bprdVeritas NetBackup Request Daemon (bprd)
13721bpdbmVeritas NetBackup Database Manager (bpdbm)
13722bpjava-msvcVeritas NetBackup Java/Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) protocol
13724vnetdVeritas network tools
13782bpcdVertias NetBackup
13783vopiedVeritas VOPIED protocol
22273wnn6[wnn4]Kana/kanji conversion system
26000quakeQuake (and related) multiplayer game servers
33434tracerouteTraceroute network tracking tool
The comment in /etc/services reads: Port 1236 is registered as "bvcontrol", but it is also used by the Gracilis Packeten remote configuration server. Official names are listed as primary names and unregistered names are listed as aliases.
Note in /etc/services: Ports 2600 to 2606 are used by the zebra package without registration. The primary name is the registered name, unregistered names used by zebra are listed as aliases.
Note in the /etc/services file: The port is registered as wnn6, but the unregistered "wnn4" is also used in the FreeWnn package.

Port number/layernameComment
1/ddprtmprouting table management protocol
2/ddpnbpname binding protocol
4/ddpechoAppleTalk Echo protocol
6/ddpzipBlock information protocol

Port number/layernameComment
751kerberos_masterKerberos authentication
752passwd_serverKerberos password (kpasswd) server
754krb5_propKerberos v5 slave propagation
760krbupdate[kreg]Kerberos registration
1109kpopKerberos Post Office Protocol (KPOP)
2053knetdKerberos demultiplexer
2105ekloginKerberos v5 encrypted remote login (rlogin)

Port number/layernameComment
15/tcpnetstatNetwork status (netstat)
98/tcplinuxconfLinuxconf Linux management tool
106poppassdPost Office Protocol Password Change Daemon (POPPASSD)
465/tcpsmtpsSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTPS) over Secure Sockets Layer
616/tcpgiiUsing the gateway's (routing daemon) interactive interface
808omirr[omirrd]Online Mirror (Omirr) file mirroring service
871/tcpsupfileservSoftware Upgrade Protocol (SUP) Server
901/tcpswatSamba World Wide Web Administration Tool (SWAT)
953rndcBerkeley Internet Name Domain Version 9 (BIND 9) Remote Name Daemon Configuration Tool
1127sufiledbgSoftware Upgrade Protocol (SUP) Debugging
1178/tcpskkservSimple Kana to Kanji (SKK) Japanese input server
1313/tcpxtelFrench Minitel text messaging system
1529/tcpsupport[prmsd,gnatsd]GNATS bug tracking system
2003/tcpcfingerGNU Finger service
2150ninstallNetwork installation services
2988afbackupafbackup client-server backup system
3128/tcpsquidSquid web proxy cache
3455prsvpRSVP port
5432postgresPostgreSQL database
4557/tcpfaxFAX Transmission Service (Old Service)
4559/tcphylafaxHylaFAX Client-Server Agreement (New Service)
5232sgi-dglSGI distributed graphics library
5354noclogNOCOL Network Operations Center Logging Daemon (noclogd)
5355hostmonNOCOL Network Operations Center Host Monitoring
5680/tcpcannaCanna Japanese character input interface
6010/tcpx11-ssh-offsetSecure Shell (SSH) X11 Forwarding Offset
6667ircdInternet Relay Chat Daemon (ircd)
7100/tcpxfsX Font Server (XFS)
7666/tcptircproxyTircproxy IRC proxy service
8008http-altAn alternative to Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
8080webcacheWorld Wide Web (WWW) Caching Service
8081tproxytransparent proxy
9100/tcpjetdirect[laserjet,hplj]Hewlett-Packard (HP)JetDirect network printing service
9359mandelspawn[mandelbrot]Parallel Mandelbrot generator for the X Window System
10081kamandaAmanda backup service using Kerberos
10082/tcpamandaidxAmanda backup service
10083/tcpamidxtapeAmanda backup service
20011isdnlogIntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) login system
20012vboxdISDN speaker daemon (vboxd)
22305/tcpwnn4_KrkWnn Korean input system
22289/tcpwnn4_CncWnn Chinese input system
22321/tcpwnn4_TwtWnn Chinese input system (Taiwan)
24554binkpBinkley TCP/IP Fidonet Mailer Daemon
27374aspaddress search protocol
60177tfidoIfmail FidoNet compatible mailing service
60179fidoFidoNet email and news network
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